Collection: Preschool & Kindergarten

Many supplies and resources here are typical for a Waldorf Preschool and Kindergarten Class. Because play is a huge emphasis during these ages, you'll want to also check out natural fiber dolls, wooden toys, open-ended toys and construction toys specifically for this age group. The high-quality art supplies in this section will continue to be used in upper grades, as well. Because these block and stick crayons, paints, brushes and modeling waxes are such high-quality, they will last if taken care of.

Some activities you might find being done in a Kindergarten class include finger knitting and cord work, (to be turned into various play things), using natural play-doughs and clays and modeling waxes, baking, water color with primary paint colors, wet felting items for play, basic woodworking skills (i.e. hammering), gardening, animal care, setting the table, cleaning up, folding linens and more.

Birthdays are very special too and a nice birthday crown or candle ring is a wonderful piece to add, as well as post card holders, play silks, child-sized brooms and mops and pretend kitchens, irons, prams and lots of pretend play dress up items and great, high-quality books! Look for resources online or in books to learn finger plays, songs, games, story telling and puppets and you will have just as much fun along side your children as they are having. 

A pentatonic lyre is another wonderful thing to have for this age, if possible, and because it’s a pentatonic scale, you do not need to know how to read music or even how to play and you will still sound great to the children. Other instruments in a Kindergarten class include a pentatonic glockenspiel, rhythm sticks, wooden stir drums and interval flutes