Collection: Form Drawing Resources

Form drawing is repetitive drawing of shapes. These shapes can be symbols, linear, zig zags, knots... and they can be reflections, rotations, waves, spirals or a variety of geometric shapes. The focus is on the freehand creation process rather than the product. The benefits, however, are numerous and include an improvement to something as observable as hand writing or drawing, but also an improvement in such things as spatial awareness, visual awareness, patience, focus, bilaterial coordination, communication between brain hemispheres, eye tracking and so much more. The complexity of form drawing begins in class one with linear forms and by class four, children are drawing intricate knots. The lesson is typically connected to a story or lesson. And form drawing is not relegated to pencil and paper only as you can use a variety of media such as yarn on a table, sand trays, shaving cream on table tops, using the body to walk the shape, draw the shape in the air...there are multiple creative ways to incorporate form drawing before you actually get it onto paper and each method has its own benefits.